13-12-24 / Kristi Riedel — Appellate, Insurance
Kristi Riedel (led by J D McKenna KC) appeared for the Appellant, instructed by Hall & Wilcox. This case concerns an appeal by the defendant to the Supreme Court of Queensland to reverse the outcome that the plaintiff suffered injuries because a trampoline manufactured by the defendant had a safety…
11-12-24 / Jason Mitchenson — Building & Construction, Contract, Judicial Review & Administrative
Jason Mitchenson (led by Alistair Wyvill SC) appeared for the Plaintiff, instructed by Thomson Geer Lawyers. This case involved an adjudication between parties to a construction contract regarding a payment dispute. Its issues pertained to whether the adjudicator’s failure to determine a payment date was fatal to the determination’s validity,…
10-12-24 / Sam McCarthy — Contract, Land Law & Property
Sam McCarthy (led by A Pomerenke KC) appeared for the Plaintiff/Applicant, instructed by Allens. This case concerns an application made by the plaintiff pursuant to a liberty to apply provision in orders made on 10 April 2024. The application sought further declaratory and injunctive orders. It involved issues pertaining to…
9-12-24 / James Penrose — Contract
James Penrose appeared for the Plaintiff, instructed by Hopgood Ganim. This case concerns an application for costs. The court ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff interest on the judgement sum in the amount of $12,178.80. In addition, rule 360 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules and the plaintiff’s offer to settle…
6-12-24 / Chris Stackpoole — Contract
Chris Stackpoole (led by DM Logan KC) appeared for the Plaintiffs/Respondents, instructed by Irish Bentley Lawyers. Brise and Ors applied for orders that Converging Momentum and Ors disclose legal advice provided by Converging Momentum’s solicitors in relation to the sale of shares in the company. The application ultimately concerned whether…
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