Michael Trim, Claire Schneider — Contract, Building & Construction
Michael Trim and Claire Schneider will join the Society of Construction Law (SoCLA) in Brisbane on Wednesday 7 August to provide the session "Can my contract be varied by what happens on site or how claims are treated? Is my entire agreement clause effective? A discussion of recent cases for…
Shane Doyle KC, Damian Clothier KC, Paul McQuade KC, Rob Anderson KC, Christopher Johnstone KC, David Chesterman KC, Michael Trim, Matthew Jones KC, Matthew Hickey OAM KC, Stewart Webster KC, Michael May, Claire Schneider, Bianca Kabel — Banking, Building & Construction, Class Actions, Commercial Equity, Competition & Consumer, Contract, Corporate Insolvency & Bankruptcy, Corporations, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International, Media & Defamation, Resources & Energy
In the 2019 edition of Doyle's Guide to the Australian Legal Profession members of Level Twenty Seven Chambers have been included in the senior and junior sections of Leading Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Counsel Queensland 2019. The members listed are: Senior Counsel Shane Doyle QC - Market Leader Damian…
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000