24-6-21 / Mei Barnes — Building & Construction
'Time Bars in Construction Contracts - A Panoramic View' was a panel discussion hosted by Lighthouse Club. Mei Ying Barnes joined Managing Director Paul Roberts (Secretariat), contractor Craig Horton (Hindmarsh) and solicitor Kirsty Smith (Holding Redlich). Event details can be found on the Lighthouse Club website. Lighthouse Club is an…
10-12-19 / Florence Chen, James Green, Mei Barnes — Building & Construction
As part of a series of informal discussion groups between construction experts, solicitors and barristers, Level Twenty Seven Chambers barristers Florence Chen, James Green and Mei Barnes hosted a session titled 'Strategies for Persuasive Expert Evidence'. Topics covered during the session, using real case examples, included: Overview of Expert Evidence:…
23-8-18 / Michael Trim, Mei Barnes — Building & Construction, Contract
A presentation delivered by Michael Trim and Mei Ying Barnes to the Society of Construction Law Australia at Clayton Utz on Thursday 23 August. Topics covered included: › Could rejecting a claim relying on contractual provisions be unconscionable conduct even if in strict compliance with the contract? › What if a…
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000